Installing MyDrive Connect
The steps below refer to Internet Explorer. If you are using another browser the steps may vary.
- Make sure your computer is compatible with MyDrive Connect .
- Download MyDrive Connect:
Download for Windows Download for Windows
We recommend downloading the file to your computer by clicking Save .
Do you use Windows Vista or XP? Download here. - Once the download is complete, click Run .
Note : If you accidentally close the Download complete window, locate the file InstallTomTomMyDriveConnect.exe on your computer and double-click it.
- If you get a User Account Control window, click Yes . If you get a security warning, click Run .
- To read the end user licence agreement, click the link Licence Agreement .
- To accept the terms in the licence agreement, select I Agree , then click Next .
- Click Install to accept the default installation folder, or click Browse to select a different installation folder and then click Install .
Once the installation of MyDrive Connect has completed, a pop-up will ask you to confirm the settings. You can select any of the options and click OK . Then you can connect your navigation device to start using MyDrive Connect.
- If you already have a TomTom account, you can now log into MyDrive Connect to manage the content of your navigation device.
- If you are a first-time user, you need to create a TomTom account and then log in to manage the content of your navigation device through MyDrive Connect.
After you have installed the software, click this link to see the steps for updating your device using MyDrive Connect.
The steps below refer to Safari. If you're using another browser the steps may vary.
- Make sure your computer is compatible with MyDrive Connect .
- Download MyDrive Connect:
Download for macOS. Download for macOS.
The download starts. When finished, MyDrive Connect is saved in your downloads folder.
Do you use macOS 10.6 to 10.9? Download here.
Do you use macOS 10.10 to 10.12? Download here. - Click the Finder icon in the Dock to switch to Finder.
- From the Finder menu at the top of the screen, click Go and choose Downloads .
Your Downloads folder opens. - Double-click MyDriveConnect.dmg .
A window opens showing MyDrive Connect. - Double-click MyDriveConnect.pkg .
The MyDrive Connect installer opens. - Click Continue .
- To read the end user licence agreement, click the link .
- Click Continue .
You are asked to agree to the terms of the software licence agreement. - Click Agree to continue.
- Click Install .
- Enter your admin password.
If you are not allowed to administer the computer, contact the admin for the computer. - Click Install Software .
MyDrive Connect is installed on your computer. - Click Close .
Once the installation of MyDrive Connect has completed, a pop-up will ask you to confirm the settings. You can select any of the options and click OK . Then you can connect your navigation device to start using MyDrive Connect.
- If you already have a TomTom account, you can now log into MyDrive Connect to manage the content of your navigation device.
- If you are a first-time user, you need to create a TomTom account and then log in to manage the content of your navigation device through MyDrive Connect.
Tip : To add MyDrive Connect to your dock, drag its icon from the Applications folder to the dock. To open the Applications folder, click Go in the Finder menu and then choose Applications .
After you have installed the software, click this link to see the steps for updating your device using MyDrive Connect.